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Find Expungement lawyers near you?

If you have been arrested, investigated, or convicted of a crime, you may be able to use the “expungement” law in the state where the event occurred.  Expungement means to have the record of the event cleared so the general public cannot discover the fact. You may be Discover about the Expungement Lawyers near you and wanted to know Expungement Lawyers address and phone number to consult yours Expungement problems near your location then you are at the right place, to know about specific Expungement Lawyers in your locality or near you, please select your state and city then you can get list of lawyers or law firms for that locations to solve your problems. Expungement Lawyers near you now see here                                                                                                     

Am I Required to Disclose Expunged Records?

In most circumstances, you are not required to disclose information on expunged records. The records are isolated from the public and treated as if they do not exist. This means that once you get an expungement, you can legally deny that the criminal matter ever happened. You can even legally deny the matter while under oath and to most employers on job applications.

What Can an Expungement Attorney Do?

An attorney experienced in this area of law can tell you if you meet the state eligibility requirements. Generally, the requirements include:
  • The minimum length of time since the event has passed.
  • You haven’t had any other arrests or convictions since that time, except for minor traffic violations.
  • The criminal proceedings against you were not filed or they were dismissed.
  •  You were acquitted at trial.

You acquitted of a crime, but it’s still on his record. Now you can’t get a job and he can’t find an apartment. A potential employer asked about any criminal charges and so did a potential landlord. The result? You have turned away. 

How to find lawyers near you 

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